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302 Highway 1 SE Mount Vernon, IA 52314

Other Services and Fees

ONLINE Banking


Effective December 1, 2022

Account Information

Account Reconciliation $25/hr., 1 hour min.
Account Research $25/hr., 1 hour min.


Account Services

Cashier’s Check $8
Check Printing $3/page
Collection Items $25 per item (10 day hold)
Deposited Item Returned $10

Check Cashing

Non-Customer $5

Coin Counting

Non-Customer 3% of total

Fax Services

1-5 Pages $5
6+ Pages $.50 each


Health Savings Account $50
IRA Annual Fee-balances less than $1,000 (Educational IRA’s Excluded) $50
IRA External Transfer/Closing Fee (Educational IRA’s Excluded) $50

Safe Deposit

Key Deposit $35
Key Replacement $35 each
Late Fee $10 per month over 60 days
Drilling Fee $150 plus costs


Instant Statement $3 each
Statement Copies $6 per statement
Account Research $25/hr., 1 hour min.
Item Copy $3 per page

Wire Transfer

Foreign $45 per wire
Outgoing $15 per wire
Incoming $10 per wire


Copies $.20 per copy
Coupon Books $5
Early Account Closing (within 60 days of account opening) $25
Garnishments $55
Intermediary Fee $500 min. or 1%
Levies $55
Lien Subordination $100
MICR Exception Fee $3 per item
Money Orders $3 each
Mortgage Loan Payoff Statement $30
Negative Balance Closing Fee $35
Notary Service $5
NSF Item* $20/$80 max/day
Overdraft Item* $20/$80 max/day
Shazam Debit Card Replacement 1st or 2nd card $5 – 3rd card $15
Stop Payment (6 month) $25
Stop Payment Debit Card Transaction $35
Verifications of Account $10
BOLD lettering indicates a change in fees.
*fee applies to overdraft or NSF items created by check, in-person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal, or other electronic means